Monday, January 14, 2013

Not feeling so hot...

Ok....this is going to be a short entry, but I just wanted to let you all know the scoop on my end. I have lost my voice, so if you try to call me, I won't answer (not because I don't WANT to talk, only because you won't be able to hear me if I whisper on the phone! LOL) Thank goodness for the ability to text!

Sunday I started to break out in a rash/hives all over. I called the on-call nurse and she said I could take Benedryl and just wait to talk to my Oncologist on Monday. Monday morning I woke up and the hives had spread from my abdomen to my legs, arms and even my hands and my hands were painful and swollen. Not fun! Not only that, but my slight cold turned into a laryngitis of sorts and I lost my voice! Lovely! I sit whispering at my family to help with this or that and texting people instead of calling them. :) I am trying to coax my kids into playing the "quiet game" with me for an extended period of time. (Yeah, that probably won't stick, but it's worth a try!)

Went into the doctor this morning. She said my white blood count is down, but that is typical for 7-14 days after treatment and that is when I am at my lowest immunity and why I feel yucky. I didn't have a fever, but she wants me to be vigilant about checking that and also said I should rest, drink fluids and stay away from large groups of people and the germs they carry around with them. (aka...sit on the couch and just chill!!! I can do that!) She said she thinks it is one of the chemo drugs that is causing the hives and so she started me on steroids for the next 5 days. Otherwise, she is hoping my cough/laryngitis goes away soon and doesn't get worse.

Other then feeling miserable, I had at least 3 friends offer to run errands for me today (thanks Lori, Jeannie & Denise), a neighbor stop by unexpectedly with some yummy potato soup (thanks Deb...can't wait to eat it for lunch tomorrow!), and my dear friend Toni brought over some much needed homemade chicken noodle soup from her husband John (who is an awesome cook!). Bless her heart, she then spent a couple of hours just helping me clean up my cluttered kitchen and taking down some Christmas decorations. She was my ray of sunshine today! Thank you Ms. Toni!!

I continue to enjoy reading all of the comments and notes I get from you all. Thank you for your kind uplifting words...

Love to all...



  1. Love, love, love....I just keep sending it your way. I think it was Kelly who posted one day that she was getting ready to complain about something and then you pop in. All that energy turns I to love I send to you and your family. --Lisa

    1. I can feel the love! Thank you dear Lisa....I appreciate it more then you know! Hugs!! nae

  2. I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so junky. Praying you feel better soon!

    1. I AM feeling better as of yesterday! Thanks Tina....I appreciate any and all prayers. ;)

  3. Thinking of you everyday. Hang in there, girl. Cindi O

    1. Thanks for the note Cindi! I appreciate it... ;)

  4. Always here and thinking of you and your family EVERYDAY!!! Praying you feel good soon. Love, Jane
