Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's Me Again...

WOW....2 posts in 2 days? I know....SHOCKING! *smile*

My photographer friend Tina posted a blog today and included some of our photos from our first session. Her blog is titled "Beauty Rules Over Breast Cancer" and I absolutely LOVE IT! She always speaks so eloquently...always providing inspiration. Thank you Tina!!!

You can check out her wonderful blog here:

Oh....and I meant to say in my last blog that I am feeling better this week! Hope it continues...

Love to all,


  1. BEAUTIFUL pictures! I still see the same eyes and smile that I saw in you 20 years ago in high school! Your positivity is awesome and inspiring. So glad to hear you are feeling better this week. Thinking of you often!

  2. You are very, very welcome! I'm so glad you are feeling better, talk to you soon!!
